The Right Side Up

If you subscribe to the multiverse theory, you know there are an infinite number of universes out there where the pandemic was managed very differently. We describe one such world.

It’s the Content

We have a new assessment on the possibility of Russia invading Ukraine… sort of. We discuss how much the US government cares about you — and people, in general. Most of the episode, though, is devoted to an examination of an exchange between AP Journalist, Matt Lee and Ned Price, spokesliar for the State Department.

Keep on Truckin’

Does the government use its coercive power purely to protect revenue for US corporations? Are they willing to risk your health for the same reason? Is it ironic for the Executive to make appointments based on gender and ethnic background to the body that overturned the Civil Rights Act? Finally, are Canadian truckers the heroes we want or need?

No One Wins

It turns out that Michael’s dentist doesn’t watch the news, so for him and all those like him, we give a primer on Kazakhstan, Ukraine and Russia, US and NATO involvement. There’s a lot, so this may be Part 1. We shall see.