Come On, Man

After Biden’s calls for unity to an empty Wall… er, Mall, Biden went to the White House to revoke everything from the previous administration.  We review those orders, discuss the broadening of meaning for words, like “terrorist” and “incitement.”  We close with an odd story of mariner hate speech.

Pardon Me

After an unfortunate break, Michael returns with guest co-host G.I. Greg to discuss Biden’s foreign policy team, Trump’s pardons (and lack of) and the prospects of secession for dissatisfied states.

Pentagon Reach-Around

More election lunacy, but don’t worry.  We move past it pretty quickly, shifting to predictions for the last couple of months of Trump’s Presidency and the beginnings of the Biden administration, focusing on foreign policy prospects.  We close with some observations of the continuing Covid craziness.

Howling at the Moon

We briefly review the last debate, spending some time on foreign policy, domestic economy and health.  We do a rundown of Trump and Biden, and here’s our prediction for election day.  HEADLINE:  Government Wins Election Again!