We recorded on April 2nd, because this is no joke! After a brief report of Michael’s fight with his local homeowner’s association and Biden’s first “press conference,” which are of roughly equal import, we settle into passionate argument against the vaccine passport. This is a slippery slope we’re ready to die on.
The Final Conversion
Is everyone ready to admit the military has significant influence on the lives of average Americans, yet? If not, we’re here all week. Independence Day is approaching and may be its own litmus test for whether it means anything. What may a libertarian in an influential position do? There was no real agenda for this week, so we wandered a bit.
A Cloudy Future
We start with a little discussion of the stimuli and who they’re really benefitting. Then, we walk a path from Cornel West through Israel-Palestine, to Iraq and Iran and finally back to Biden. We close with a long discussion of the Orwellian future we may be facing, if we don’t start pushing back against our government.
Death of the American Dream
Post-partum depression sets in after the birth of this New Era. We discuss the souring of the economy, environmental threats and the pervasive sickness.