We cover some tough subjects tonight… but with a lot of hope.
Blowin’ Up
Somehow, immigration is an issue, even under a new President. We discuss pros and cons, while thousands huddle under a bridge in southern Texas. We address the drone wars in the context of the US’ final offensive act in Afghanistan; and we close with war powers and the dangers of an independent military.
O Say, Can’t You See
The Founding Fathers were afraid of democracy and created a constitutional republic. Michael discusses some of the dangers of democracy and making all rights subordinate to the vote.
A Few Red Flags
We start with the weather, just to ease into things. We assess the White House’s ‘actions’ on reducing gun violence. We include what we believe to be the real purpose of these very minor ‘actions.’ We make sure everyone realizes there was an Executive Order published today to reassess the Supreme Court. Then, we close on a decision this week from the European Court of Human Rights which could foreseeably affect your children in the future.