The New Temple

We discuss the situation for Palestinians in Israel, including the establishment of the state of Israel and the current violence. There is a brief interlude for a discussion of prices and profit motive with the backdrop of the pipeline issues.  Finally, we finish with the New American Temple, High Priest Fauci and the vaccine sacrament.

Adults in the Room

The now award-winning The Liberty Mic podcast, returns from a fun and successful Alabama LP convention to get back to delivering the message you all want to here.  We spend a little time on the advantages of free markets before plunging into the Biden foreign policy bungles, and the clever retorts from our “adversaries.”

Militarist Monetary Theory

We’re for free markets and privatization, but not how the officials use these terms.  We explain why.  We also ask why we need government to protect us or why anyone but ourselves are responsible for our actions?  There’s a brief foray into Covid vaccines, and we finish with wokism vs. individualism.  Guess which side we’re on.

A Cloudy Future

We start with a little discussion of the stimuli and who they’re really benefitting.  Then, we walk a path from Cornel West through Israel-Palestine, to Iraq and Iran and finally back to Biden.  We close with a long discussion of the Orwellian future we may be facing, if we don’t start pushing back against our government.