Death of the American Dream

Post-partum depression sets in after the birth of this New Era.  We discuss the souring of the economy, environmental threats and the pervasive sickness.

Cleaning Up

We finally do our 2020 wrap after discussing the Governator, social media bans and more impeachment.  We also offer our thoughts on how the Libertarian Party could draw from the Trump movement.

Howling at the Moon

We briefly review the last debate, spending some time on foreign policy, domestic economy and health.  We do a rundown of Trump and Biden, and here’s our prediction for election day.  HEADLINE:  Government Wins Election Again!

Wacky Waving Branch-Flailing Treemen

We start with war stories and proceed to address the “Broken Window Fallacy”.  We briefly discuss the US Supreme Court’s purpose, limitations and expectations and break or inflate the hearts of all Americans.  We finish on a reasonable criticism of local law enforcement.