Serving Favors

Are politicians evil or just stupid?  We talk about Cheney, Trump, previous Presidents and others. Then, we shift gears to explore why some people feel entitled to other people’s property and why a free market is the answer, rather than the problem.

Made in the USA

Self-contradictory acts of congress, thermonuclear chicken and disgraceful drone bombing are the topics of the week.

Checks, Lies and Videotape

More is revealed by Drs. Birx and Fauci. Nadler has a transparent moment. All of this is insulting to the average American, but there may be blue skies ahead.

Empire’s Folly

A little gun control and immigration to start, but we quickly move to a future history fantasy. We spend the balance discussing the end of the American Century proclaimed by Harper’s and the beginning of it called for by Life.