Just to Clarify

We illustrate the Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle of libertarianism. You cannot know both our position and our direction. We try to clear up as much as we can.

Secrets and Summits

The Biden-Putin meeting in Geneva is the big news for the week. It can be generously called successful, at least on the most important issue the two countries face. There’s some background provided on public healthcare administration and the hidden conflict with healthcare professionals. And, finally, Victoria’s Secret enters the culture wars.

Under the Umbrella

We start with a fact check of Biden’s SotU, such as it was, and a reminder we’re playing with a big ball of fire in Ukraine. We move on to a discussion of big pharma, government, media and the historical fact that whatever they’re saying to do, you should do the opposite.

The Final Conversion

Is everyone ready to admit the military has significant influence on the lives of average Americans, yet?  If not, we’re here all week.  Independence Day is approaching and may be its own litmus test for whether it means anything.  What may a libertarian in an influential position do?  There was no real agenda for this week, so we wandered a bit.