Just to Clarify

We illustrate the Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle of libertarianism. You cannot know both our position and our direction. We try to clear up as much as we can.

Secrets and Summits

The Biden-Putin meeting in Geneva is the big news for the week. It can be generously called successful, at least on the most important issue the two countries face. There’s some background provided on public healthcare administration and the hidden conflict with healthcare professionals. And, finally, Victoria’s Secret enters the culture wars.

Tipping the Scales

A monologue episode from Michael about the self-interest of politicians and bureaucrats and the push-and-pull for power between social media and governments.

Counterfeit Government

Fauci’s e-mails say, ‘Those guys at “The Liberty Mic” have been telling the truth of it for over a year.’  (Paraphrasing, of course, according to the Mueller Report.)  We connect governments’ support of big pharma with governments’ support of big banking, leading to a discussion of the origins of paper money in the West and the debasement of currency.