Battling the elements to recap the Alabama Libertarian Convention and discuss the special interests at the heart of the TikTok bill and the AI development moratorium. We, also, discuss the state of the justice system and where it may go.
Casino Federale
We’re still here, and we’ve been saving up topics. A couple of big ones are represented, like China and an imminent banking collapse; but we talk about several other things, too. Chances are, if you’re interested, we mentioned it.
It’ll Be Fine
Can you trust your government… about anything? We tell war stories, and it’s a train wreck.
It Often Rhymes
This one’s a solo from Michael. Starting with New Start and a quick overview of the nuclear treaties, there’s a transition to a brief history of the lies and misperceptions of the Vietnam war arising from the US government and their stenographers in the mainstream media comprising the balance of the episode.