
We start with more fantasy sports than you probably want, but we transition to two more big, quiet trials that are finishing. We discuss US rivals and the current saber-rattling; and we finish with Assange, Manning, Kiriakou, Hale and all the other whistleblowers for government crime and corruption prosecuted by the US government, while the criminals go free.

Dime in the Rough

Whiskey to start, and that evolves into a discussion of citizen law enforcement and personal risk assessment. Then, can you impose your risk limitations on others? We close on some economic discussion minted from the CPC’s imposition on Tencent.

Speed Trials

We discuss the two well-publicized trials which recently concluded and their relations to race in the US. We, also, throw in a little political news and some health stuff to close.


All the world’s a stage, and we continue to play our parts. Perhaps it’s time to start questioning the Director, doubting the playwright or challenging the audience before we exit the stage. Meanwhile, the next stage of authoritarianism has been reached in Europe.