The Ukraine crisis, more history, insight and commentary. We discuss who stands to benefit, principles of self-government and why the US is supporting the wrong side in both Ukraine and Canada.
Boycott Popplers
Olympics, Ukraine and the Omicronians…
Secrets and Summits
The Biden-Putin meeting in Geneva is the big news for the week. It can be generously called successful, at least on the most important issue the two countries face. There’s some background provided on public healthcare administration and the hidden conflict with healthcare professionals. And, finally, Victoria’s Secret enters the culture wars.
Imperial Augurs
This episode abounds with profound political prognostications. Well, they may not be profound, but that sounds better than ‘predictable predictions.’ We review the potential for an Afghan withdrawal, war with China and Black Sea aggression. Then, we finish with courts, trials, doctrines and precedents, including some prophecy.