We provide an update on Israel, expose Nikki Haley’s lies to Dave Rubin and some “untruths” from the healthcare leadership in our own country.
The New Temple
We discuss the situation for Palestinians in Israel, including the establishment of the state of Israel and the current violence. There is a brief interlude for a discussion of prices and profit motive with the backdrop of the pipeline issues. Finally, we finish with the New American Temple, High Priest Fauci and the vaccine sacrament.
Under the Umbrella
We start with a fact check of Biden’s SotU, such as it was, and a reminder we’re playing with a big ball of fire in Ukraine. We move on to a discussion of big pharma, government, media and the historical fact that whatever they’re saying to do, you should do the opposite.
Imperial Augurs
This episode abounds with profound political prognostications. Well, they may not be profound, but that sounds better than ‘predictable predictions.’ We review the potential for an Afghan withdrawal, war with China and Black Sea aggression. Then, we finish with courts, trials, doctrines and precedents, including some prophecy.